privacy policy

General information

Cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of the procedures and improve their browsing experience.
Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer (or on other devices enabled for navigation such as smartphones and tablets) when you visit a site. Normally a cookie contains the name of the site from which it comes, the ‘duration’ (how long it remains stored on the device), and a value that is normally a unique number generated randomly. The sites may use cookies generated by the same, or from third-party applications in order to monitor, control, customize the site during navigation. Cookies can also be used to track the way in which the site is used, or to show ads relevant to their habits on other sites.

Third-party apps

Sites can make use of external (third-party) services. Through the use these apps can be downloaded anonymous cookies in the browser that can also be used by our site. Some of these services can be for example: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Adroll, MailChimp, Sucuri, Intercom and other social networks, advertising agencies, security firewalls, data collection companies, service providers. These services can collect and use data such as IP Address, HTTP Referrer, Unique Device Identifier and other data that can not be traced back to personal information and server logs.